I Know My Sheep and They Know Me
The shepherd played a major role in the celebration of our Lord’s birth. Have you ever thought much about why? Why the lowly shepherds? These men were low on the food chain. They weren’t exactly a town’s elite citizen.
However, these shepherds were the first to hear the Good News of Jesus’ birth. And with a choir of Angels!! What an honor. They hurried to see the child.
Today, I want to focus for a few minutes on the Good Shepherd. Isaiah described the care of the Good Shepherd in Chapter 40:11. “He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.” The Good Shepherd will be comforting, careful and gentle.
Jesus declared himself as the good shepherd in John chapter 10.
In verses 11-12 He contrasts the hired hand from a true shepherd. The hired hand runs when he sees the wolf. He’ll abandon the sheep and think nothing of the flock, yet the Good Shepherd ‘sacrifices his life for the sheep.’
In Luke, Jesus tells the parable of the Lost Sheep. He commits to going after the one sheep that wanders off and becomes lost. The Good Shepherd seeks out even those who were considered beyond hope. And He rejoices when he finds and recovers that one as well.
Our Lord knows everything about us and knows us by name. He desires a personal relationship with us.
These words bring me great comfort!!! (John 10:14 )- I am the good shepherd, I know my own sheep and they know Me.
I want to encourage you to have hope! During stressful times there is no other place you should turn than to the Lord. I leave you with these words from Psalm 34:19-20…”The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time. For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous; not one of them is broken!”
"His faithful love endures forever."
Until next time...
Chaplain Gray