Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Privilege of Prayer

Have you ever thought about a 'spiritual workout'? We all know about physical workouts, even if we aren't actively engaged in them! But shouldn't we have a plan on how we keep up with a daily spiritual routine? Over the next few posts, I will be presenting a Basic Spiritual Workout. 

Let us Pray
The Reverend Billy Graham stated, “He has given you His Word, and the priceless privilege of prayer and worship.” We should be very grateful because in many parts of the world we’d be forbidden to pray. Yet, we sometimes don’t take it seriously. We regulate prayer to be used “in case of emergency”.

Author Kathryn Shirey reminds us that “Prayer is our conversation with God.” Yes, we are told to pray and Jesus even gave us a model prayer. So, why do we make it so hard to pray? Too busy? Blah, Blah. Prayer should be a daily spiritual workout. It will empower our soul!

Erik Raymond explained about prayer. “The sweetness of communion with God in prayer should never be assumed but actively treasured and protected. We are, after all, speaking with our Father who adopted us, our Savior who bought us, and the Holy Spirit who seals and indwells us.” He goes on to say “Prayer also has a unique power. To neglect our spiritual health is to neglect our spiritual power. It is like slashing our tires on our car or draining our phone batteries before we leave for work. Prayer is essential to Christian living, so we must diligently keep a close watch on ourselves.”

Use Various Methods 
Different prayer methods will help you sustain your prayer life. Changes in a method will invigorate and reenergize your prayers.

There are a few prayer methods I’d like to mention. Dick Eastman developed a structured hour in prayer. It has 12 elements and you devote 5 minutes to each. It starts and ends in praise! Another popular method is using the acronym ACTS. This helps us remember several prayer basics: adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. You can pray through all those elements when you pray or focus on one at a time. I also like the idea of praying the Psalms. One Psalm a day! What a wonderful way to commune with the Most High! Prayer walking can be a great form of intercessory prayer. You can physically walk, or even virtually take a walk. 

Here are a few strategies to mention that will help you in your prayer workout. Keep a journal of your prayer requests and answers to prayer! When you are alone, praying out loud occasionally will help you stay focused. Also triggers, like an emergency vehicle going by, can alert you to an opportunity for prayer. 

Working out in prayer Recap:
I may be alone or with others. My style and method will vary, sometimes according to if I am alone or not.

I may be very brief or devote a significant amount of time, in structured prayer.

I am subject to the sudden urge to pray. There are triggers that should draw me to prayer and the Holy Spirit may even move me to a time of prayer.

There are numerous postures appropriate for prayer. I may be on my knees or bowing in a pew, but when my “heart” is seeking to commune with my King, I will yield to Him in my own way!

When I keep a list of requests it helps me focus. When I mark them or note they’ve been answered it GLORIFIES HIM.


We know that Jesus had a significant prayer life.

Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray. 
Mark 1:35

I consider prayer part of my daily spiritual workout. Do you?

Be sure and check out my new Podcast - "Training for Godliness". You can find it on Apple Podcast, Google Play or Podbean. This link will take you there! Please download and listen in. There are 4 episodes already and more to come.

Until next time...

"His faithful love endures forever."

Chaplain Gray

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