For a long time, I’ve felt like there is a compelling reason why being fit ‘spiritually’ is important to our well-being. Throughout my entire adult life, I’ve seen an equilateral triangle that represents the development of spirit, mind, and body. Too often, the spirit side is ignored or certainly not given an equal place in our priorities.
While we are to treat our bodies as a temple of the Lord, we have to remember that being spiritually fit has ‘eternal’ implications. In 1 Timothy 4:8, “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.”
So for a number of years I’ve had a devotional that focuses on how we might approach a ‘spiritual check-up.’ This led me to search out the idea of a spiritual fitness workout. Many writers have focused on the spiritual disciplines it takes to lead a life of discipleship, following our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Military branches have paid attention to the spiritual fitness of their forces as they realize the importance of a well-balanced person. Pastors preach messages based on Timothy’s training for godliness.
Having worked in the YMCA for my career, I saw year after year how members would start new fitness programs and routines using the latest fads, equipment and even special clothing! For many, however, they can’t sustain a routine. Life gets busy and interferes with our best intentions. It’s like that too for many Christ followers as they make a resolution to read the Bible more faithfully in the coming year, go to church more often and serve others!
What if there was a way for us to train for godliness that we could sustain and even ‘advance’ to another level and remain motivated? If we had a way to measure our level of fitness and identify where we need to focus some effort in order to maintain ourselves, perhaps we could continue to strengthen our spiritual well-being.
I believe that if one can get started on a basic spiritual fitness program and establish good habits in doing so, then he/she can sustain their workouts. I further believe that there is a natural step to an advanced training program that will continue to challenge and help one grow more and more in his walk with the Lord.
This is a work in progress so I will present the Basic Workout program and the Spiritual Check-Up first. Then I’ll present what I believe is an Advanced Workout.
Until next time...
"His faithful love endures forever."
Chaplain Gray
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