My friend Reverend Jay W Lippy of Tampa, Florida once wrote “Understanding His word is essential. It’s the instruction manual for daily living - not to mention a personal love letter that God has written to each of us. Why not spend some time with Him and find out what He has in store for you!” I have some thoughts, tips, and suggestions on how you can read, study and learn to obey God’s Word.
Dr. Charles Stanley wrote, “Through God’s Word, we possess eternal riches.”
Let’s get started! You can conduct a word study, or follow certain themes or topics throughout the Bible. You want to do your reading with some plan, however. Just turning the pages and pointing to a place to read will not give you the same insight or knowledge of the Word as systematically reading and studying the Bible. It’s helpful to have other resources to enhance your Bible study. Commentaries offer background information and other explanations of historical significance.
Author Janis Cox offers a Bible study method she often uses. You can find more about it at She uses the acronym “SIMPLE”. I think it is worth mentioning here that she encourages prayer to begin with and again during your time of study. Praying for guidance is encouraged because God wants to speak to us through His Word. He’ll help us if we ask! She also offers a “closed Facebook group” for accountability, prayerful support and much more.
Maybe a reader wants to know why we have an Old Testament and a New Testament. The purpose of the Old Testament is 1) reveal the severity of sin, 2) expose the hopeless condition of humanity to save itself and 3) show the need for a savior. The New Testament reveals God’s plan to us. It specifically reveals 1) the solution to sin, 2) that hope has arrived, 3) our Savior and 4) how we can be saved.
There are multiple Bible reading plans and resources for following a structured path through the scriptures. Here is one plan. First, get to know Jesus. Read the four Gospels. Next, read some of the Letters in the New Testament: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, 1 Peter, 2 Peter and 1, 2 and 3 John. It will take one month to read through Proverbs if you read one chapter each day. Next read Genesis, Exodus, Daniel, and Jonah. From time to time, read the Psalms. You are well on your way to delighting in reading the Word.
Jesus instructs us about obedience. “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.” (Matthew 7:24). Next week we will take a closer look at obedience.
Paul gave up a lot to know Christ. But are we willing to make time for prayer and Bible Study? What are you going to give up in your schedule in order to intentionally add this essential spiritual discipline?
James Macdonald summed it up this way: “The minutes, hours and days you’ve spent immersed in God’s Word can increase your faith.” Paul tells us in Romans 10:17 (ESV) “So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the Word of Christ.”
Remember, “His faithful love endures forever.”
Until next time…..
Chaplain Gray