As you know, I believe that we should approach our spiritual health by ‘working out’ on a daily basis. Most of these elements of this workout have been covered in previous blog posts. Those elements are: Bible study, prayer, praising Him, and fellowship with other believers. So DOING GOOD WORKS is the fifth element of this workout.
We are instructed that we are not saved by good works. We should also understand however, that as a result of our salvation, we will want to perform acts of service.
As a young man, I participated in the Boy Scouts of America. One of the core values of the BSA is to “recognize the needs of others and take action accordingly.” When I was a young Scout, I was taught to ‘do a good turn daily.’ I believe this stuck with me as I began to grow. As a student at Presbyterian College, I was influenced by the college motto “Dum Vivimus Servimus” which translates “While we live we serve.”
As an adult, I joined a local Rotary Club. I learned that the principal motto of the club is “Service Above Self.” I’m told that leaders within the club consider that this motto “best conveys the philosophy of unselfish volunteer service.”
I would have to agree that we are not saved just so we might enter the Kingdom of Christ (our own benefit). We are to serve Christ and build up the church. We are to put the knowledge of God into action by helping others!
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” This is our marching orders to do these good works intentionally!
We can’t just wait for opportunities to do a good turn. Yes, when those opportunities present themselves we need to respond in an appropriate way. Christ told us to “Let your light so shine…” We need to invest ourselves in others. In the physical fitness industry personal trainers carefully map out their clients' exercises. They take the time to put together a precise plan and then they help their client execute that plan. I want to put together a similar plan to do acts of service each day. By examining my plans for any given day, I can potentially see an opportunity to serve others. I can also pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show me those opportunities that God may have put in my path.
If I am really committed to doing good works on a daily basis, I believe I will see multiple ways in which I can serve. I caution myself though. I don’t want to ‘keep score’. It’s not about how many acts of service I accomplish. It's about my attitude of ‘doing the act of service’.
Paul tells us (1 Corinthians 15:58) “So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”
In summary, here are a few tips:
- Examine your plans for each day; look for opportunities to serve; execute your plan!
- Pray that the Holy Spirit shows you what opportunities God has put in your path.
- Don't keep score - just do it!
Find my podcast at You'll find my other episodes focusing on spiritual workouts there as well.
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"His faithful love endures forever."
Until next time...
Chaplain Gray