West of the Dallas - Fort Worth Texas area is a lake called Possum Kingdom Lake. There is a resident camp there on the shore and directly across the lake is this high granite wall. It’s an amazing view any time of the day!
In the high country of North Carolina, along the Blue Ridge Parkway, there are pull-offs where you can take in majestic views of the mountains and the valleys below. Each of these is created by our Heavenly Father! This is His work on full display.
So, the big day has arrived. A total eclipse of the sun will race across the US and millions of people will be watching. Many will gather in the path of the total eclipse while others will witness a partial eclipse of the sun.
The spike in the economy of towns and cities in the path of the total eclipse will be evident. Viewing parties, sales of souvenirs, extended stays in hotels, motels and lodges will all add to the local flavor of the event. This will be talked about for years!
Let’s not forget that this ‘event’ we will witness is the creation of the Heavenly Father. Read Psalm 19:1-6. This event will be a fantastic display of God’s craftsmanship!! On this day, the heavens will once again ‘proclaim the glory of God.” God made a place for the sun in the heavens and we’ll see “it bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding.”
This reminds me of another blackout that occurred 2000 years ago. As Jesus suffered on the cross, the skies began to darken. As He took His last breath, it is recorded that total darkness came over the land for nearly three hours. During that significant event, the veil in the temple was torn down the middle, because there was now a way for all the people to approach God directly through Christ. What happened three days later when Christ has risen is the pinnacle of our faith! Are we talking about these events with as much excitement as we should?
Let us enjoy the wonderful display of the Creator’s craftsmanship. And let us also remember the significant events that are recorded in His Word for us so that we can spread the Good News of Salvation in Christ Jesus.
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Matt 28:19
"His faithful love endures forever."
Until next time...
Chaplain Gray